We have requested some legal professionals, and they have very kindly consented to give their free opinion on honorary basis, on the issues raised by the subscribers on this platform. Anyhow, peculiar and complicated issues cannot be discussed here due to complexities.
You can submit your queries through contact us link. Reply to your queries will be provided through email. For seeking free advice, you are required to verify your mobile no. and email id first besides providing your complete correct details. To comply with legal obligations, the concerned professional may demand further information from you. In case you provide any wrong information, you shall be liable to face legal action. We are just facilitating you to seek advice without visiting the office of professional and having a face to face interaction.
Associated Honorary Advisors:
- Advocate J. K. Tiwari
- Advocate Amit Tripathi
- CS. B. K. Tiwari
Honorary Advisors are providing only free advisory, where ever possible, to help the subscribers. No fee is charged for such advice and names are mentioned just for the sake of satisfaction of subscribers.
This website has been developed for the benefit of users. We firmly believe that most of the issues/ problems can be resolved through discussions, reading others views and there is no need for expert advice in every matter. So, keeping in view the above motive we are just providing a platform to subscribers where they can share, discuss and resolve their issues through mutual discussion and participation of other co-participants. Expert advice cannot be substituted or replaced by discussion, until it is with a professional. We are just trying to bring all these things at one place.
In any case we shall not be liable for any advice provided by professional, on the basis of information provided by you or views, opinions, suggestions, guidance given or provided on this platform by any participant. We, advice you to consult a professional/ expert of the concerned field before acting on any such advice.
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