Self-Guilt means a wrong or unethical act done or committed by a person and about which the sufferer may or may not be aware but which keeps haunting the doer. It includes acts which might have caused loss to others or the doer himself/ herself. An act of stealing some one’s write up and taking credit of writing it, may make that person guilty conscious. In another case one may be cursing himself/ herself for his/ her bad habit. Everyone has committed one or other such act, during his life. It may be during childhood, teenage or afterwards. Generally, such self-guilt keep striking our mind everytime we see or hear similar acts. Sometimes, it attack our mental peace as well. Many times it takes away peace of mind and the person feels helpless in tackling the same. It impacts personal, professional and social life also. So, we are providing a platform where you can express/ share your feelings about self-guilt and get rid of haunting memories.
Former Chief Election Commissioner- Mr. T. N. Seshan
Mr. T N Seshan spoke about a story in a management seminar from his life experiences.While he served as the Chief election commissioner, he happened to be on a holiday trip along with his wife in UP. On the way they spotted a mango orchard full of sparrow’s nests.They got out of the vehicle and his wife took a fancy to possess two such nests to decorate her garden. The police staff identified a boy with his cow herd at the orchard and told him to procure two nests from the trees. TN Seshan offered to give him Rs 10/- for the deed. The boy refused to comply and Seshan raised the stakes by offering him Rs 50/-.The police compelled the boy to obey and told him how powerful TNS was !
He instantly told TNS and his wife that he would never do it whatever he offered to pay. He reasoned thus : “In all those nests there are young sparrows. If i give any of these to you, the Mother bird on its return with food for the chicks in the evening will cry in agony. I cannot bear to see that. ”
On hearing this the Seshans were stunned. TNS says he was humbled to the core by this incident. He was haunted by guilt for days after he returned from this trip.
Bottomline :
Education and educated people in coats and suits will never be the yardstick for Humanity.
Great experiences of his life. A small event speaks a lot.
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