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    It includes all issues arising in your job or work which you are unable to discuss with anyone including your spouse, parents, family, relatives and friends. Speak out boldly and spill out your anger, discomfort, anguish, pain and feel relaxed. Half of the problem will stand resolved when you spill out your anger, anguish, pain and share your emotions and feelings and rest will be foregone once someone replies to your query. In case you still don’t feel relaxed you can discuss and share it with the admin through contact us link. Admin will reply you at earliest but not later than 48 hours, in any case, that too absolutely free of cost. Please click on “notify me” to get immediate information when someone replies to your query. Hope you will find this platform worth posting. You can also seek paid expert advice, in case you require so.


    My friend who is in HR department of a company, feels irritated when any employee makes lame excuses or thinks only about herself/himself and places own’s welfare before company’s welfare or is a work shirker. Due to dealing with so many employees and that too of mean mentality of thinking only about themselves, makes him agitated. How he should handle such persons without affecting his own innerself.


    Dear chiku
    I understand the problem your friend is facing and the same was also faced by me months ago. The only thought that got my mind stable around all such mean people was- Not all the people here feel same sense of responsibility as we do, nor they all are concerned about their occupation or professions to the same extent. In this world, there are various types of people,taking the hold of your friend’s problem and giving an overview – some who are concerned a lot and some for whom the same thing doesn’t makes a difference . Also, we cannot make them do what we want and cannot say them or force them to work responsibly. So thinking about all this we neither do good to us, nor to our innerself. Better we calm ourselves and let them do what they wish do. Another thing, according to me, is that, if got a chance, you could hold on to some free time that a small get together in which some sort of videos or stories could be shared which would, maybe, to some extent, woke their sense of responsibility and belongingness to their work or make them a little more concerned ,Which would make them as agile as they were when they came on the first day of their jobs. Because, according to me, motivational stories or videos work really well in getting back the energy or that excitement to work again with full stamina.
    Hope this would help your friend in one way or another.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Unknown10.

    Thanks dear. Though it’s not easy to let other people do the work as they wish to because it will affect the overall system, the organisation. However I will ask my friend to not to get affected himself due to such persons and also to boost up energy of those employees by showing motivational videos, etc. Thanks

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