You may be surprised at the heading of this article but whatever I am going to mention here is the absolute truth. In today’s world of internet and social media no one can avoid using it. Internet has made our life very easy if used carefully but the use of social media platforms gives them direct entry into your life. The use of these platforms does have negative aspects as it consumes a lot of time in unnecessary surfing besides its ill effects on our health.

Although use of such platforms has made our life easy as it is helping in better and fast communication, obtaining information within few seconds, remaining connected with our loved ones. While using the necessary and most needed platforms and APPs we start using many other applications which otherwise are not required.

Whenever we install any APP, it asks for permission to use your camera, microphone, contacts, media gallery, messages etc. etc. Basically, it acquires access to every nook and corner of your phone and you happily agree to it without knowing the consequences. Whenever we give such permissions, we agree and allow that APP to keep a constant watch on our each and every action. Not only this whatever message, media, documents we have in our phone or send through these applications, a copy is duly stored in the server of such application.

Please read this carefully. I am telling you the real incidents happened/ noticed with/ by me:

  1. I sent an email to a National News channel requesting to broadcast news about a particular crime on its Utube channel and within next 5 minutes when I opened Utube the episode on that crime came on my screen.
  2. Just today one of my friends called me and asked a question about taxation. As soon as tried to search on google. After typing single word google gave me option of what my friend asked for on call.
  3. My family while sitting in a room was discussing about some product. During this chat one of us picked his phone and was amazed to see the screen saver of same product on his screen.

It is very common and every one of us might be aware that whatever product we search on google, the advertisement of that product start displaying on our screen but here if you notice they are keeping an eye on what I write in a mail or talk during call or even what we talk during our family time.

It is really very dangerous as they have access to our camera and microphone, they are getting every information about us. I personally feel that they are not only recording our chats but the camera also keeps working while our phone is lying idle. It is also quite possible that all the pics and videos you shoot through mobile, a copy of them is immediately saved on their server. So, be careful because everything in this world is saleable and our personal info and data is most expensive. In future the companies owning data will be costliest because such data holds the key in selling products online. Now you can well imagine how the MNCs capture market in such a short span, as they approach the potential customer at right time.

Every other day and more particularly recently when the government told the social media platforms to abide by the newly enacted laws about transparent mechanism to resolve the grievance of public, the opposition leaders raised hue and cry in the name of privacy along with these social media platforms. Now you can very well imagine that why such social media platforms which are keeping an eye on our each and every movement are raising questions of privacy?

The government has simply asked them to provide grievance redressal mechanism and to store the data on a server maintained in India but they are reluctant to do so because the future war will be for data only.

Our personal data gives them absolute idea about our habits, liking, disliking, daily routine etc. With the help of that data, they serve us with what we want and it helps them in controlling market share. A big market share means big money and big money means a powerful nation.

The more hue and cry during the second wave of Corona was not for our wellbeing rather it was a conspiracy of international pharma companies which were trying to push their vaccines, medical equipment’s, medicines etc. in India. For achieving this purpose, they paid a huge sum to some people who not only created fear in the mind of public through hoarding of oxygen cylinders, medicines, vaccines etc. and started questioning about shortage of same vaccine about which they raised doubts few months ago.

To understand this whole game plan of international mafia you need to analyze statements of few leaders during last 6/8 months. Their next game plan is also exposed as they have a nexus with the foreign country which has made the virus and started a bio-logical war. How these people came to know that there will be a third wave and it will hit children? At the same time coincidentally a big pharma giant announces trial of vaccine for children. If you see all these events in chronological manner everything will be clear. Our government is trying hard to make everything in India but it direly needs the support of citizens without which it cannot win this war.

So, keeping in view the present scenario and future, we need to devise our strategy to fight with this data war and to preserve our privacy. Our bad luck is the most intelligent talent of IT went abroad due to lucrative packages offered by them and our corporates seems to be ignorant about this. Hopefully, Reliance, Tata or some big corporate group, whom people keep abusing all the time, can help us by launching indigenous social media platforms because it needs huge investment.

I would suggest that we must restrict the use of these gadgets in case of necessity only although it is not easy to do. Dependence on these gadgets is such that we can’t imagine life without them. The fraudsters are taking full advantage of it and are causing huge loss to users. These hackers are blackmailing corporates and big business houses. Firstly, they hack the systems of such corporates and then ask ransom to release their data. Many times, they don’t return the data even and causes huge loss on both sides. These gangs act from far regions where the complainant can’t dare to go. Even the police authorities seem helpless in catching them. So, the policy “prevention is better than cure” should be adopted to minimize the risk.












1- रसोई घर के पास में पेशाब करना ।

2- टूटी हुई कन्घी से कंगा करना ।

3- टूटा हुआ सामान उपयोग करना।

4- घर में कूडा – कचरा रखना।

5- रिश्तेदारो से बदसुलूकी करना।

6- प्रथम बांए पैर से पैंट,पायजामा, जूते चप्पल आदि  पहनना।

7- संध्या वेला मे सोना।

8- मेहमान आने पर नाराज होना।

9- आमदनी से ज्यादा खर्च करना।

10-दाँत से रोटी काट कर खाना।

11-चालीस दीन से ज्यादा बाल रखना ।

12-दांत से नाखून काटना।

14- महिलाओं का खड़े खड़े बाल  संवारना/बांधना।

15 -फटे हुए कपड़े पहनना ,चाहे वह जीन्स ही क्यों न हो ।

16-सुबह सूरज निकलने तक सोते रहना।

17- पेड़ के नीचे पेशाब करना।

18- उल्टा सोना।

19-श्मशान भूमि में हँसना या खेलना ।

20- पीने का पानी रात में खुला रखना ।

21- रात में मांगने वाले को कुछ ना देना ।

22-बुरे नकारात्मक विचार रखना   ।

23-अपवित्र अवस्था में  धर्मग्रंथ पढ़ना।

24-शौच करते वक्त बात करना।

25- हाथ धोए बगैर भोजन करना ।

26- हर समय अपनी सन्तान को कोसना।

27-दरवाजे पर बैठकर खाना पीना ।

28- लहसुन प्याज के छिलके जलाना।

29-संत, गुरु ब्राह्मणों ,बुजुर्गों आदि पूज्य जनों का अनादर करना ।

30- फूक मार के दीपक बुझाना।

31- ईश्वर को धन्यवाद किए बिना भोजन करना।

32- झूठी कसम खाना।

33-जूते चप्पल उल्टा देख कर उसको सीधा न करना।

34-मंगलवार, शनिवार संक्रांति अमावश्या, बुजुर्गों के श्राद्ध के दिन दाड़ी बाल आदि क्षौर हजामत करना ,तेल मालिस करना ।

35- मकड़ी का जाला घर में रखना।

36- रात को झाडू लगाना।

37- अन्धेरे में भोजन करना ।

38- देव ब्राह्मणों आदि पूज्य जनों को झूठा देना ।

39- धर्मग्रंथ न पढ़ना ।

40- नदी, तालाब में शौच साफ करना और उसमें पेशाब करना ।

41- गाय , बैल को लात मारना ।

42-माँ-बाप की सेवा न करके , अपमान करना ।

43-किसी की गरीबी और लाचारी का मजाक उड़ाना ।

44- दाँत, बाल कपड़े गंदे रखना और नित्य  स्नान न करना ।

45- बिना स्नान किये और संध्या के समय भोजन करना ।

46- पडोसियों का अपमान करना, गाली देना ।

47-मध्यरात्रि में भोजन करना ।

48-गंदे बिस्तर में सोना ।

49-हर समय वासना और क्रोध से भरे रहना एवं

50-दूसरे को अपने से हीन समझना आदि ।

—– —– —– —– —-

शास्त्रों में वर्णित है कि जो दूसरों का भला करता है।

ईश्वर उसका भला करता है।

परोपकाराय पुण्याय पापाय पर पीडनम्

शेयर जरूर करें

ताकि किसी की लेखनी का परिश्रम व्यर्थ  न जाये.l

पं. भगवती प्रसाद सेमवाल आचार्य

(कथावक्ता, वास्तुविद् एवं ज्योतिषाचार्य)

🙏आधुनिक समय में प्राचीन गुरुकुलों की पुनःस्थापना कठिन तो है लेकिन साथ ही साथ #प्राचीन_गुरुकुलों के प्रयोजन आज के विद्यार्थियों के उज्जवल भविष्य निर्माण के लिए अत्यन्त आवश्यक भी महसूस होते हैं, ताकि हमारे विद्यार्थी अपने जीवन को उन्नत आदर्शों से पूर्ण करें और स्वावलंबी बनें यानि आर्थिक, सामाजिक, नैतिक रूप से गुलाम न बनें, आत्मनिर्भर तो बनें ही, इसके साथ-साथ बाँटकर खाने के उदारता जैसे सद्गुणों से युक्त हों यानि अपने निजी जीवन के लिए किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु या परिस्थिति के आधीन न हों।


🚩केंद्र सरकार ने बीते दिन लगभग 34 साल बाद भारत की शिक्षा नीति में बदलाव किया है। सुनने में आ रहा है कि उसमें काफी सुधार किया गया है ये एक अच्छी पहल है क्योंकि शिक्षा ही जीवन का निर्माण करती है इसलिए पूर्व में #गुरुकुल में जैसी शिक्षा दी जाती थी उसमे से काफी कुछ लेकर शिक्षा व्यवस्था बनाई जाए तो भारत को विश्व गुरु बनने में देरी नही लगेगी।


🚩अपने आप में पूर्ण मानव का निर्माण हो और अन्त में जीवन के परम लक्ष्य के भी अधिकारी बनें, ऐसे मुद्दों को ध्यान में रखते हुए गुरुकुल शिक्षा पद्धति के सिद्धांतों का आधुनिक शिक्षा पद्धति के साथ समन्वय किया जाए तो कैसा ? आईये इस पर विचार करते हैं ।




🚩1) जो माता-पिता अपने होने वाले बच्चे को गुरुकुल में प्रवेश करवाना चाहते हों, वे गर्भाधान से पहले ही अपना नाम व पता गुरुकुल गर्भ एवं शिशु संस्कार केन्द्र में पंजीकृत करवायें जहाँ भावी शिशु के माता-पिता को संबंधित आवश्यक जानकारियाँ दी जाएं यानि शिशु का इस जगत में कैसे स्वागत करें, आदि-आदि विषयों के बारें में समझाया जाए ताकि उनके घर में दिव्य एवं उत्तम आत्मा ही जन्म लें ।


🚩2) जब शिशु का जन्म हो तब #गुरुकुल भावी विद्यार्थी निर्माण केन्द्र में अपना नाम पंजीकृत करवाएं जहाँ शिशु के माता-पिता को शिशु के लालन-पालन के विषय में प्रशिक्षण दिया जाए कि कैसे शिशु के स्वास्थ्य व संस्कार को मजबूत किया जाए आदि-आदि  तो जन्म से लेकर 7 वर्ष की आयु तक माता-पिता बच्चे को स्वस्थ व मजबूत बनायें ।


🚩3) 7 से 9 साल के बच्चों को पूर्व #गुरुकुलप्रवेशप्रशिक्षण केन्द्रों में भेजा जाए जहाँ बच्चों को संस्कृत श्लोक उच्चारण, एक आसन पर स्थिर बैठने की एवं चित्त को एकाग्र करने के त्राटक, ध्यान आदि यौगिक प्रयोग करवाए जाएँ । यह कक्षा प्रातः 8 से 10 बजे तक की हो ।


🚩4) 9 वर्ष की उम्र में ‘#उपनयनसंस्कार’ करवाकर विद्यार्थी को ‘#ब्रह्मचर्यआश्रम’ में प्रविष्ट करवाया जाए जिसमें विद्यार्थी को #गायत्री€मंत्र दिया जाता है, अगर संभव हो तो किसी समर्थ महापुरुष से ‘#सारस्वत्य_मंत्र’ की दीक्षा दिलवाई जाए ताकि विद्यार्थी की सुषुप्त शक्तियाँ जाग्रत  हों ।


🚩5) #उपनयन_संस्कार के बाद विद्यार्थी को गुरुकुल में प्रवेश करवाया जाए जहाँ वह 12 वर्षों तक यानि 9 साल की उम्र से लेकर 21 साल की उम्र तक संपूर्ण ब्रह्मचर्य आश्रम के नियमों का पालने करते हुए विद्याध्ययन करे । इसका वर्णन #गृहसूत्र में भी आता है कि जन्म से आठवें वर्ष में उपनयन होने के पश्चात् वेदों का अध्ययन आरम्भ करे ।


🚩6) विद्यार्थी को तिलक करना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है ताकि उसका तीसरा नेत्र विकसित हो । विशेषरूप से चंदन का तिलक उत्तम है जिसमें हल्दी एवं चुने का परिमित मात्र में मिश्रण हो जो उसके तीसरे नेत्र को विकसित करने में मदद करता है ।


🚩7) #पद्मपुराण में आता है कि प्रतिदिन आयु और आरोग्य की सिद्धि के लिये तन्द्रा और आलस्य आदि का परित्याग करके अपने से बड़े पुरुषों को विधिपूर्वक प्रणाम करे और इस प्रकार गुरुजनों को नमस्कार करने का स्वभाव बना ले । नमस्कार करनेवाले ब्रह्मचारी को बदले में – ‘आयुष्मान भव सौम्य’ करके आशीर्वाद देना चाहिए, ऐसा विधान है । अपने दोनों हाथों को विपरीत दिशा में करके गुरु के चरणों का स्पर्श करना उचित है । शिष्य जिनसे लौकिक, वैदिक तथा आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्राप्त करता है, उन गुरुदेव को वह पहले प्रणाम करे ।


🚩8) गुरुकुलों की स्थापना शहरी वातावरण से दूर प्राकृतिक वातावरण में हो । गुरुकुल में विद्याध्ययन के लिए कक्षाओं के साथ-साथ प्रार्थना भवन, क्रीड़ा मैदान, पुस्तकालय/वाचनालय, भोजनशाला, गौशाला, औषधालय, विद्यार्थी निवास हेतु विशाल भवन एवं स्नानागार हों।


🚩9) कक्षा में विद्यार्थी जमीन पर आसन बिछाकर बैठे और बैठनेवाली डेस्क रहें क्योंकि जमीन पर अर्थिंग मिल जाएगी तो विद्यार्थी का आंतरिक विकास कुंठित हो जाएगा, इसलिए ।


🚩11) विद्यार्थी प्रातःसंध्या उपरांत सूर्य को अर्घ्य अवश्य दे ताकि विद्यार्थी कुशाग्र-बुद्धि, बलवान-आरोग्यवान बने ।


🚩12) विद्यार्थी शिखा रखे एवं शिखा बंधन का तरीका सीखे, जो वैश्विक सूक्ष्म ज्ञान तरंगों को झेल सकता है । शिखा में निम्न मंत्र कहते हुए तीन गांठ लगाने से मन संयत रहता है और मन में बुरे विचार नहीं आते ।

मन्त्र- ॐ विश्वानीदेव सवितुदुरीतानी परासुव यत् भद्रं तन्न आसुव ।


🚩13) विद्यार्थी हर तीन महीनों में मुंडन करवाएँ जिससे विद्यार्थी में सात्विकता बढ़ती है और धूप में जाते समय सिर खुला न रखे, टोपी आदि पहने अथवा वस्त्र से सिर ढ़के और पैरो में चप्पल पहने, नंगे पैर न धूमे ।


🚩14) विद्यार्थी कौपीन अथवा लंगोटधारी हो ।


🚩15) विद्यार्थी सख्त आसन पर शयन करे ताकि उसका शरीर फुर्तीला व स्वस्थ बना रहे और आलस्य उसे ना घेरे ।


🚩16) गुरुकुल की प्रत्येक छोटे-बड़े सेवाकार्य विद्यार्थियों द्वारा ही करवाए जाएँ जैसे कि,

(अ) गुरुकुल की सफाई ।

(आ) बाग-बगीचों आदि का निर्माण ।

(इ) भोजनशाला में सब्जी काटना, रोटी बनाना, भोजन परोसना आदि आवश्यक कार्य ।

(ई) गौ-शाला में सफाई, गौओं का चारा खिलाना आदि कार्य ।


🚩यानि जो भी जरुरी छोटे-बड़े सेवाकार्य हों वो विद्यार्थियों द्वारा ही संपन्न करवाए जाएँ ताकि विद्यार्थी मेहनती बनें एवं उनमें परस्पर भावयन्तु, स्वनिर्भरता, स्वावलंबन और सेवा-भाव जैसे दैवी गुणों का विकासत हो ।


🚩17) गुरुकुल में विद्यार्थी एक तपस्वी जीवन बिताए । अपना निजी कार्य खुद ही करे, व्यक्तिगत कार्यों जैसे कपड़े धोना आदि में दूसरों का सहारा न ले ।


🚩18) गुरुकुल में प्रथम पाँच वर्ष यानि 9 साल की उम्र से 13 साल की उम्र तक उसे भाषाज्ञान, व्याकरण, संख्याज्ञान एवं गणना आदि मूलभूत विद्या सिखाई जाए जिसमें संस्कृत भाषा सीखना अनिवार्य हो । यानि प्रथम वर्ष से ही संस्कृत सिखाना प्रारंभ करें व दूसरे साल संस्कृत के साथ हिन्दी, तीसरे साल संस्कृत, हिन्दी के साथ स्थानिक भाषा और चौथे साल संस्कृत, हिन्दी, स्थानिक भाषा के साथ अंग्रेजी सिखाना आरंभ करें । तब तक उन विद्यार्थियों का आचार्य एक ही हो और उन विद्यार्थीयों की संपूर्ण जिम्मेदारी उन आचार्य की ही रहेगी ।


🚩तदनन्तर यानि 14 साल की उम्र से 21 साल की उम्र तक एक विशिष्ट विद्या अथवा कला विद्यार्थी की रूचि व योग्यता के अनुसार सिखावें जैसे कि अर्थशास्त्र, भुगोल, आयुर्वेद, संगीत, गणनासंबंधी शास्त्र, कृषि विज्ञान, अस्त्र-शस्त्र विद्या आदि और कोई प्रतिभाशाली विद्यार्थी हो तो एक से ज्यादा विषय में भी अपना गति कर सके । यहाँ पर जिस विषय का विद्यार्थी हो, उस विद्यार्थी की देखभाल की जिम्मेदारी उस विषय को सिखानेवाले आचार्य की होगी ।


🚩19) विद्यार्थियों की परीक्षा प्रायोगिक हो, न कि लिखित यानि विद्यार्थी अपने सीखी हुई विद्या का प्रायोगिक प्रदर्शन करें । ताकि विद्यार्थी गुरुकुल से बाहर आने के बाद सिखी हुई विद्या का सदुपयोग मानव समाज में कर सकें । यानि विद्यार्थी गुरुकुल से निकले तो किस ना किसी विषय का विशेषज्ञ होकर ही बाहर निकलें जिसका दर्जा आजकल के इंजीनीयरों एवं डॉक्टरों से भी कई गुना ऊँचा हो, जो अपनी खुद की एक समाज उपयोगी संस्था खड़ी कर, समाज व राष्ट्र के सर्वांगीण विकास में भागीदार हो ।


🚩20) 21 वर्ष की आयु के बाद विद्यार्थी यदि गुरुकुल में आचार्य के तौर पर नियुक्ति पाना चाहे तो पा सकता है ।


🚩21) आचार्य वर्ग का निवास स्थान गुरुकुल में ही हो, यानि आचार्य अपने पूरे परिवार के साथ गुरुकुल में ही निवास करें, विद्यार्थियों को अपने पुत्रवत् पालन करें व अपने बच्चों को शिक्षार्थ योग्य आयु होने के पश्चात् अन्यत्र गुरुकुल में भेजे अथवा वह खुद शिक्षा न देकर दूसरे आचार्यों से ही शिक्षा दिलवाएँ ।


🚩22) और आचार्य की पत्नियों का गुरुकुल के विद्यार्थी माता के समान आदर करें और वे भी विद्यार्थियों के पालन पोषण पर अपने पुत्रों के समान सस्नेह करें एवं ध्यान दें अथवा तो गुरुपत्नियाँ अलग से कन्याओं के लिए नगर के पास में गुरुकुल चलाएँ जहाँ कन्याएँ आचार्याओं के देख-रेख में ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत का पालन करते हुए संयम व सदाचारपुर्वक विद्याध्यन करें ।


🚩23) गुरुकुल में आचार्यों को नियुक्त करने से पहले गुरुकुल आचार्य प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र में इच्छुक व्यक्ति अपना नाम दर्ज करवाएँ, जहाँ उन्हें गुरुकुल के नीति नियमों के बारे में अच्छी तरह से परिचित करवाया जाए । यह प्रशिक्षण कम से कम 6 माह तक का हो । परंतु यह विधान गुरुकुल में ही पढ़े हुए विद्यार्थियों के लिए लागू नहीं होता । यह तो केवल नवीन व्यक्तियों को ही लागू होता है ।


🚩24) गुरुकुल में पहले 5 वर्ष तक पढ़ानेवाले आचार्य की उम्र 35 वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए और 14 वर्ष से 21 वर्ष तक के विद्यार्थियों को पढ़ानेवाले 45 से 50 वर्ष से अधिक आयु के होने चाहिए ।


🚩25) गुरुकुल में विद्यार्थी पद्मपुराण के स्वर्गखण्ड में बताये गये ब्रह्मचारी शिष्यों के धर्म का यथासंभव पालन करें ।


🚩केन्द्र सरकार चाहे तो यह सभी नियम विद्यालयों में पढ़ते समय करवाये जा सकते है उपरोक्त नियमों का पालन किया जाए तो विद्यार्थी पूर्ण बनेंगे तब वो उन्नति, वो विकास केवल एक विद्यार्थी का ही नहीं होगा बल्कि पूरे राष्ट्र का होगा । उस भारत देश की तस्वीर कुछ अलग ही निराली होगी। हमारा भारत देश सारे विश्व का मार्गदर्शक सिद्ध होगा ।


शेयर जरुर करे आपका एक शेयर सोए हुए सनातनीयो  को जाग्रत करने मे सहायक होगा।



गौ माता सनातन धर्म की आधार शक्ति है । गौ माता से ही सृष्टि की कल्पना है । स्वयं भगवान श्री हरि भी धरती पर अवतार लेकर गौ सेवा करते हैं , गोविंद गोपाल आदि नाम से विभूषित होते हैं ।

ऐसी गौ माता की सेवा से आज भी मनुष्य अपने जन्म को सार्थक कर सकते हैं ,जन्म जन्मान्तरों के कष्ट ताप पाप मिटा सकते हैं आइए जानें गौ माता से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक तथ्य  ।


  1. गौ माता जिस जगह खड़ी रहकर आनंदपूर्वक चैन की सांस लेती है । वहां वास्तु दोष समाप्त हो जाते हैं ।


  1. जिस जगह गौ माता खुशी से रभांने लगे उस जगह देवी देवता पुष्प वर्षा करते हैं ।


  1. गौ माता के गले में घंटी जरूर बांधे । गाय के गले में बंधी घंटी बजने से गौ आरती होती है ।


  1. जो व्यक्ति गौ माता की सेवा पूजा करता है उस पर आने वाली सभी प्रकार की विपदाओं को गौ माता हर लेती है ।


  1. गौ माता के खुर्र में नागदेवता का वास होता है । जहां गौ माता विचरण करती है उस जगह सांप बिच्छू नहीं आते ।


  1. गौ माता के गोबर में लक्ष्मी जी का वास होता है ।


  1. गौ माता कि एक आंख में सूर्य व दूसरी आंख में चन्द्र देव का वास होता है ।


  1. गौ माता के दूध में सुवर्ण तत्व पाया जाता है, जो रोगों की क्षमता को कम करता है।


  1. गौ माता की पूंछ में हनुमानजी का वास होता है । किसी व्यक्ति को बुरी नजर हो जाये तो गौ माता की पूंछ से झाड़ा लगाने से नजर उतर जाती है ।


  1. गौ माता की पीठ पर एक उभरा हुआ कुबड़ होता है , उस कुबड़ में सूर्य केतु नाड़ी होती है । रोजाना सुबह आधा घंटा गौ माता की कुबड़ में हाथ फेरने से रोगों का नाश होता है और उच्च रक्त चाप नियंत्रित होता है ।


  1. एक गौ माता को चारा खिलाने से तैंतीस कोटि के देवी देवताओं को भोग लग जाता है ।


  1. गौ माता के दूध, घी, मख्खन, दही, गोबर, गोमूत्र से बने पंचगव्य हजारों रोगों की दवा है । इसके सेवन से असाध्य रोग मिट जाते हैं ।गौ मूत्र अर्क से कैंसर जैसी असाध्य बीमारी का भी निवारण होता है ।


  1. कहते हैं जिस व्यक्ति के भाग्य की रेखा सोई हुई हो,अर्थात् जिसका भाग्य साथ नहीं दे रहा हो, वो व्यक्ति अपनी हथेली में गुड़ को रखकर गौ माता से चटाये, गौ माता की जीभ हथेली पर रखे गुड़ को चाटने से व्यक्ति की सोई हुई भाग्य रेखा खुल जाती है ।


  1. गौ माता के चारों चरणों के बीच से निकल कर परिक्रमा करने से इंसान भय मुक्त हो जाता है ।


  1. गौ माता के गर्भ से ही महान विद्वान धर्म रक्षक गौ कर्ण जी महाराज पैदा हुए थे।


  1. गौ माता की सेवा के लिए ही इस धरा पर देवी देवताओं ने अवतार लिये हैं ।


  1. जब गौ माता बछड़े को जन्म देती तब पहला दूध बांझ स्त्री को पिलाने से उनका बांझपन मिट जाता है,ऐसी मान्यता है ।


  1. स्वस्थ गौ माता का गौ मूत्र को रोजाना दो तोला सात पट कपड़े में छानकर सेवन करने से सारे रोग मिट जाते हैं ।


  1. गौ माता वात्सल्य भरी निगाहों से जिसे भी देखती है उनके ऊपर गौकृपा हो जाती है ।


  1. काली गाय की पूजा करने से नौ ग्रह शांत रहते हैं । जो ध्यानपूर्वक धर्म के साथ गौ पूजन करता है, उनको शत्रु दोषों से छुटकारा मिलता है ।


  1. गाय एक चलता फिरता मंदिर है । हमारे सनातन धर्म में तैंतीस कोटि के देवी देवता हैं , हम रोजाना तैंतीस कोटि देवी के देवताओं के मंदिर जा कर उनके दर्शन नहीं कर सकते, पर गौ माता के दर्शन से सभी देवी देवताओं के दर्शन हो जाते हैं ।


  1. मान्यता है कि कोई भी शुभ कार्य अटका हुआ हो। बार बार प्रयत्न करने पर भी सफल नहीं हो रहा हो तो गौ माता के कान में कहिये रूका हुआ काम बन जायेगा ।


  1. गौ माता सर्व सुखों की दातार है ।


हे मां आप अनंत ! आपके गुण अनंत ! इतना मुझमें सामर्थ्य नहीं कि मैं आपके गुणों का बखान कर सकूं ।


जय गाय माता की

जय श्री कृष्णा

जय माता दी 💐🙏🏻

अद्भुत और गोपनीय हैं मां भगवती के 32 नाम, नवरात्रि या अष्टमी अथवा नित्य नियम पूर्वक अवश्य पढ़ें और माता की कृपा प्राप्त करें 💐🙏🏻

घोर विपत्ति दूर करेगा माता के 32 नामों का यह अमोघ उपाय

दुर्दांत दानव महिषासुर के वध से प्रसन्न और निर्भय हो गए त्रिदेवों सहित देवताओं ने जब प्रसन्न भगवती माता से ऐसे किसी अमोघ उपाय की याचना की, जो सरल हो और कठिन से कठिन विपत्ति से छुड़ाने वाला हो।

तब कृपालु भगवती ने अपने ही बत्तीस नामों (32) की माला के एक अद्भुत गोपनीय रहस्यमय किंतु चमत्कारी जप का उपदेश किया जिसके करने से घोर से घोर विपत्ति, राज्यभय या दारुण विपत्ति से ग्रस्त मनुष्य भी भयमुक्त एवं सुखी हो जाता है।

ऐसे करें 32 नामों का दुर्लभ प्रयोग –

1-दैनिक कार्यों से निवृत्त होने के बाद देहशुद्धि करके कुश या कम्बल के आसन पर बैठें।

2- पूर्व या उत्तर दिशा की तरफ मुंह करें।

3- घी के दीपक जलाएं।

4- श्रद्धा भाव से मां भगवती के इन नामों की 5, 11 या 21 माला नवरात्रि के नौ दिनों तक अथवा दुर्गाष्टमी में जपें और जगत माता से अपनी मनोकामना पूर्ण करने की याचना करें। आपकी मनोकामना अवश्‍य पूर्ण होंगी।

यहां पर एक विशेष ध्यान देने वाली बात यह है कि कृपा उन्हीं लोगों पर होती है जो कृपा पात्र होते हैं ,कृपा पात्र वे होते हैं जिनमें  दया धर्म  अर्थात् श्रद्धा, विश्वास ,परोपकार का भाव एवं गौ ब्राहमण साधु सन्तों ,माता पिता गुरुजनों के प्रति श्रद्धा सेवा भाव होता है । जो अपने मनुष्य जीवन के कर्तव्यों, दायित्वों का सही पालन करते हैं । फिरभी कठिनाइयां हों तब उक्त प्रयोग साधनों से भगवती भगवान की कृपा प्राप्त होती है ।

मां भगवती श्री दुर्गा जी के चमत्कारी बत्तीस नाम –











11- दुर्गदैत्यलोकदवानला॥

















28- दुर्गमेश्वरी॥





नामावलिमिमां यस्तु दुर्गाया मम मानवः॥

पठेत् सर्वभयान्मुक्तो भविष्यति न संशयः॥


Some millions of years, some believe in Hindu religion thousands of years old. But is it true? Come, we know on the basis of birth dates of some great men, how old is Hindu religion? Hinduism begins again with the Varah Kalpa. Earlier, Padma Kalpa, Brahma Kaipa, Hiranya Garbha Kalpa and Mahat Kalpa have passed.


Guru Nanak: Hindu religion 500 years ago

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was born on 15 April 1469 and left the body on 22 September 1539. India and Hinduism were protected by all the 10 Gurus of the Guru tradition.


Baba Ramdev: Hindu religion 650 years ago

Baba Ramdev was born in 1352 AD and he took samadhi in 1385 AD. Baba, the incarnation of Dwarkadhish, is called Ramsa Pir, the Pir of Peers.


Jhulelal: Hinduism 1,000 years ago

Varun Dev was incarnated as Jhulelal to protect the Hindus of Sindh province. In Pakistan, Jhulelalji is known as Jind Pir and Lalshah. He was born in 1007 AD.


Guru Gorakshanath: Hinduism 1,100 years ago

According to Rahul Sankrityayan, the great yogi Guru Gorakshnath or Gorakhnath was born on 845 AD. There is a mention of the renovation of the temple of Guru Gorakhnath in Gorakhpur in the 9th century. Gorakhnath lived long.


Adishankara: 1,200 years ago Hinduism

Adishankaracharya reorganized Hinduism. He was born in 788 AD and in 820 AD he left the body at the age of 32. He established 4 benches. He was born in Kerala and took samadhi in Kedarnath. By the way, Adi Shankaracharya was born in 508 BCE according to the Guru Shishya tradition of the four mathas. The Shankaracharya who was born on 788 AD was Abhinav Shankara.


Emperor Harshvardhan: 1,400 years ago Hinduism

The great emperor Harshavardhana was born in 590 AD and died in 647 A.D. Harshavardhana is also believed to have invaded Arabia, but was intercepted in an area of the desert. It is mentioned in the Bhavishpurana. It was only during Harsha’s reign that the Chinese traveler came to Xuanzang.


Chandragupta II: 1,650 years ago Hinduism

Emperor Chandragupta II received the title of Vikramaditya. He ruled from 380 AD to 412 AD. Mahakavi Kalidas was the beauty of his court.


Emperor Vikramaditya: Hinduism 2,100 years ago

Vikramaditya’s father was Gandharvasen and eider brother Bhartrihari. Emperor Vikramaditya was born in 101 BCE after Kalikal passed 3,000 years. Hinduism attained great heights during his time. He was a historical man.


Acharya Chanakya: Hinduism 2,300 years ago

Chanakya was born in 371 BCE while he died in 283 BCE. Chanakya is mentioned in Mudrarakshas, Brihatkatakosh, Vayupurana, Matsyapurana, Vishnupurana, Buddhist texts Mahavansh, Jain Purana etc. Alexander’s invasion of India was at the time of Chanakya itself.


Lord Mahavir Swami: Hindu religion 2,650 years ago

Mahavir Swami, the restorer of Jainism, was born in 599 BC. He was the 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism. Hinduism was the main religion of India even during his time. It was during his time that Lord Buddha (563 BC) established a new religion of his own.


Lord Parshvanath: Hinduism 2,850 years ago

The 23rd Tirthankara Parshvanath took place 250 years before Lord Mahavir Swami. It is believed that Hinduism used to be the religion of India during his time. There was a lot of peace and prosperity in India at the time of Parshvanath.


Lord Krishna: Hinduism 5,000 years ago

According to historical research, Lord Krishna was born in Mathura in 3112 BC. Arishta Neminath, the 22nd Tirthankara of Jainism, was a cousin of Lord Krishna. The Gita is the main scripture of the Hindus, which is a part of the Mahabharata.


Lord Shri Ram: Hinduism 7,000 years ago

According to research, Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya in 5114 BC. During the Punavasu Nakshatra in the sky at the time of the birth of Rama, 5 planets were in their higher position. This condition stated by Valmiki was formed 7,131 years ago.



Vaivaswat Manu: Hinduism 8,500 years ago

Vaivasvata Manu was estimated to have taken place in 6673 BC. There was a deluge during the time of these Manu. After several months spent in the boat by Vaivaswat Manu and his people, his boat came down as the water descended from the summit of Gauri-Shankar. Then the life cycle of human beings went on the earth again. This is the date of their existence in the history of Mathur.


Samrat Yayati: Hinduism 9,000 years ago

The principal 5 sons of Emperor Yayati were- 1. Puru, 2. Yadu, 3. Turvus, 4. Anu and 5. Druhu. He is called Panchananda in the Vedas. Approximately 7,200 BCE, i.e. 9,217 years ago, these five sons of Yayati ruled the whole earth. The five sons established dynasties in their own names. Yadu from Yadu, Yavan from Turvasu, Bhoja from Druhu, Nilalechha from Anu and Paurava dynasty from Puru were established. Yayati Prajapati took place in the 10th generation of Brahma.


Swayambhav Manu: Hinduism 11,000 years ago

According to the history of Mathura, Swayambhav Manu was estimated at 9057 C. Rishabhanath, the first Tirthankara of Jainism, was in the 5th generation from Swayambhuva Manu in this order – Swayambhuva Manu, Priyabrata, Agnighra, Navel and then Rishabh. Rishabhanath had 2 sons – Chakravarti Emperor Bharata and Bahubali. There are several reasons why Swayambhava Manu is considered the first human being on earth. Dharmashastra and Prachatas Manu are considered as the masters of Arthashastra. Manusmriti had associated Sanatana Dharma with the code of conduct.

Brahma: Hinduism 14,000 years ago

The total of Lord Brahma is estimated to have started around 12,000 BC. The principal sons of Brahma were – Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulah, Kritu, Bhrigu, Vasistha, Qaksha, Kandarbha, Narada, Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatana and Sanatkumar, Swayambhuva Manu and Chitragupta. Marichi’s son was the sage Kashyapa, who had hundreds of sons of gods, demons, demons, demons etc. Brahma is credited with the origin of the species.


Neil Varaha: Hinduism 16,000 years ago

It is said that around 14,000 Vikram era, that is, 15,923 years ago, Lord Neel Varaha incarnated. Neil Varaha period was followed by Adi Varaha period and then White \flaraha period. During this period, Lord Varaha removed water from the earth and made thabitable for humans. After that Brahma expanded the human race and Shiva established the kingdom of religion and justice all over the earth. Earlier people lived in Heaven or say Devlok. Although still human, but the beginning of civilization is considered from here. The times mentioned in this video are approximate and derived from the Puranas. This story of Hinduism begins with the Varaha Kalpa, whereas the  earlier history is also recorded in the Puranas, which are told through the main 5 Kalpas. The first king of Jambudweep was Swayambhav Manu.


Generations mentioned

Marichi was born from Brahmaji. Marichi’s son was Kashyap. Kashyapa’s vivaswan and vivaswan’s vaivasvata manu. Vaivasvata Manu was born in 6673 BC. Lord Rama was born in the 64th generation of the family of Vaivasvata Manu and underwent surgery in the 50th generation of Rama’s son Kush, who fought on behalf of the Kauravas in the Mahabharata. The war of Mahabharata occurred around 3000 BC.


In ancient texts, human history is divided into 5 kalpas

(1) Hamat Kalpa – 1 lakh 9800 years starting from Vikram Samvat East to 85,800 years ago

(2) Hiranya Garbha – Kalpa 85,800 Vikram Samvat East to 61,800 years ago, Brahman Kalpa 60,800 Vikram Samvat East to 37,800 years ago

(3) Brahma Kalpa 60,800 Vikram Samvat East to 37,800 years ago

(4) Padma Kalpa 37,800 Vikram Samvat East to 13,800 years ago and

(5) Varaha Ka1pa 13,800 Vikram Samvat East Starting from this time and going on till this time.


So far Varah Kalpa’s self-respecting Manu, Swarokish Manu, Uttam Manu, Tamas Manu, Raivat Manu, Chakshush Manu and Vaivasvata Manu have passed, and now the difference between Vaivasvata and Savarni Manu is on. The emergence of Savarni Manu took place 5,630 years b

The Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi pronunciation: [ɦənʊmaːn tʃaːliːsaː]; literally Forty chaupais on Hanuman) is a Hindu devotional hymn (stotra) addressed to God Hanuman. We all chant Hanuman Chalisa without knowing its spiritual and scientific benefits. We even don’t know its Author. The article highlights all these  issues.

The authorship of the Hanuman Chalisa is attributed to Tulsidas, a poet-saint who lived in the 16th century CE. He mentions his name in the last verse of the hymn. It is said in the 39th verse of the Hanuman Chalisa that whoever chants it with full devotion to Hanuman, will have Hanuman’s grace. Among Hindus worldwide, it is a very popular belief that chanting the Chalisa invokes Hanuman’s divine intervention in grave problems.


Tulsidas (1497/1532–1623) was a Hindu poet-saint, reformer and philosopher renowned for his devotion for Rama. A composer of several popular works, he is best known for being the author of the epic Ramcharitmanas, a retelling of the Ramayana in the vernacular Awadhi language. Tulsidas was acclaimed in his lifetime to be a reincarnation of Valmiki, the composer of the original Ramayan in Sanskrit. Tulsidas lived in the city of Varanasi until his death. The Tulsi Ghat in Varnasi is named after him. He founded the Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple dedicated to Hanuman in Varanasi, believed to stand at the place where he had the sight of Hanuman. Tulsidas started the Ramlila plays, a folk-theatre adaption of the Ramayan. He has been acclaimed as one of the greatest poets in HindiIndian, and World literature. The impact of Tulsidas and his works on the art, culture and society in India is widespread and is seen to date in vernacular language, Ramlila plays, Hindustani classical music, popular music, and television series.

The power of the words of Hanuman Chalisa has been prevalent since time immemorial. The Hanuman Chalisa has several significant instances other than being a strength symbol. It signifies various purposes of life along with highlighting death rituals according to the Hindu customs.

Historic relation – Story behind Hanuman Chalisa

Once Tulsidas went to meet Aurangzeb. The emperor mocked Tulsidas and challenged him to show the lord to him. The poet ingeniously replied that seeing Rama was not possible without true devotion. As a result, he was imprisoned by Aurangzeb. Tulsi Das is thought to have written the magnificent verses of the Hanuman Chalisa in that prison. It is said that an army of monkeys menaced Delhi as soon as Tulsidas finished his ode and recited the same.

The string of verses in the chant tell the story of devotion and submission of Hanuman to Lord Ram. He believed in a very strong form of worship that lied in serving the Lord. All his acts of such devotion are immortalised in the Chalisa, “Chalis” meaning forty. Several of his acts of selfless service, including the time when Hanuman carries the entire mountain containing “sanjeevanibuti”, the magical herb to cure Lakshman, are mentioned in the verses. He traverses across the oceans in search for Sita to leave a token of the Lord for her. All these acts of bravery and selflessness symbolise the strength that these verses contain.

Hanuman Chalisa is a timeless ode to devotion. Lord Hanuman is known for his devotion to Lord Ram and is considered to be the embodiment of faith, surrender and devotion.

The strength of the Chalisa

Creating the picture of an ideal devotee, the Hanuman Chalisa casts Hanuman as the ideal embodiment of a dedicated devotee. It preaches an eternal feeling of love and sacrifice, holding the God in your heart at all times. Going back to the history of the esteemed Hanuman Chalisa, it is said that whoever chants the Chalisa in undying devotion to Hanuman will acquire his grace & strength and rescue to solve all the troubles. It involves miraculous interventions in everyday problems and those to do with the evil.

According to the Indian history, Hanuman intervened in all the problems Lord Ram faced. The strength that the verses evoke can bring about life changing alterations provided there exists a complete faith and devotion of the great devotee Hanuman.

Where is Lord Hanuman living now?

We have known about his existence since Treta Yuga that saw the emergence of Lord Rama and then in Dwapar Yuga, the era of Krishna. We are now living in Kalyuga. Outside most Hanuman Temples (especially the ancient ones) we will find monkeys.

What are the benefits of Hanuman Chalisa

  • Dedicated recitals of Hanuman Chalisa can one overcome the trauma of bad experiences.
  • Those suffering from stress should read Hanuman Chalisa to feel relaxed and in control of life.
  • For those seeking enlightenment, reading Hanuman Chalisa can help gain wisdom and spiritual knowledge.
  • Reading Hanuman Chalisa every morning helps you de-stress.
  • Hanuman Chalisa helps your mind feel more relaxed.
  • Hanuman Chalisa helps you stay happy all day.
  • It is believed that reading Hanuman Chalisa before any trip prevents any accidents or mishappenings and have a safe trip.
  • It is believed that reciting Hanuman Chalisa can also help in retransformation, may promote positivity and help in keeping bad company away.

 Hanuman Chalisa have astrological significance

  • Hanuman Chalisa has astrological significance as well. It is found to be deeply successful in controlling the malefic impacts of Saturn’s transit or Saturn’s major or minor periods. Those under the negative impact of the planet will discover incredible help and advantage with the regular recitation of the Chalisa 8 times on a Saturday.
  • Those with mangal dosha or are Manglik should recount this Chalisa for beneficial results. Positive characteristics of Mars-like quality, mental fortitude, unstoppable soul and vitality are guzzled through reciting the Chalisa.

It is believed that in one of these verses of Hanuman Chalisa, Tulasidasa had given an accurate calculation of the distance between the Sun and Earth.

The Quest of Astronomers to find the distance of Sun

The Greek Astronomers were known for their contribution to the scientific field in understanding the heavenly bodies.

  • Archimedes, an ancient Greek Mathematician and Philosopher of the 3rd century BC, estimated the distance of Sun from Earth as 10000 times the radius of Earth.
  • Later, Hipparchus (2nd century BC) gave an estimate of 490 times the radius of Earth.
  • Ptolemy considered the distance to be 1210 times the radius of Earth.

However, Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), a German Mathematician and Astronomer realized that these estimates were significantly low. Kepler’s law of Planetary Motion allowed astronomers to calculate the relative distance of the planets from Sun. This was also aided by the invention of telescope in the beginning of the 17th century which helped them to get more accurate measurements.

However, Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), a German Mathematician and Astronomer realized that these estimates were significantly low. Kepler’s law of Planetary Motion allowed astronomers to calculate the relative distance of the planets from Sun. This was also aided by the invention of telescope in the beginning of the 17th century which helped them to get more accurate measurements.

However the most modern calculations in 20th century estimate the distance to be somewhere around 23455 times the radius of Earth (149,431,805 kms assuming radius of Earth to be 6371 kms)

Srila Prabhupada writes in one of his purports

Modern scientific calculations are subject to one change after another, and therefore they are uncertain. We have to accept the calculations of the Vedic literature. These Vedic calculations are steady; the astronomical calculations made long ago and recorded in the Vedic literature are correct even now. Whether the Vedic calculations or modern ones are better may remain a mystery for others, but as far as we are concerned, we accept the Vedic calculations to be correct.

According to modern calculation

Average distance between the Sun and Earth =149 million kms = 92 million miles.

However, the orbit of the Earth is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse. Sometimes the Earth is closer to the Sun and sometimes it is farther.

Shortest distance between Sun and Earth (perihelion) = 91 million miles = 147 million kms (early January)

Longest distance between Sun and Earth (aphelion) = 94.5 million miles = 152 million kms (early July)

It is surprising to note that Tulasidasa who lived in 16th century could give the most accurate estimation that is very close to the estimation by 20th century astronomers.

Shortest distance between Sun and Earth (perihelion) = 91 million miles = 147 million kms (early January)

Longest distance between Sun and Earth (aphelion) = 94.5 million miles = 152 million kms (early July)

 Let us decipher the calculation in Hanuman Chalisa…

Hanuman, in his childhood, assuming the Sun to be a ripe mango, jumped to catch it. Tulasidasa recounts this incident in his Hanuman Chalisa as follows:

yuga-sahasra-yojana para bhanu
leelyo tahi madhura phala janu

Considering the Sun to be a sweet fruit, Hanuman jumped to swallow it.

Here the distance he travelled is mentioned as yuga-sahasra-yojana. Let us try to decipher this.

What is a yuga? According to Bhagavad-gita, one day of Brahma is called kalpa and is equal to 1000 yugas and this is followed by a similar duration of night.

ratrim yuga-sahasrantamte ‘ho-ratra-vidojanah

1 yuga = 4,320,000 years = 12000 divine years

(1 divine year = 360 years according to human calculation)

This is also confirmed in Manu-samhita: etad dvaadasha sahasram devanam yugamuchyate

According to the above verse from Hanuman Chalisa, the distance between Sun and Earth is

yuga-sahasra-yojana = 12000 x 1000 yojanas.

Yojana is a Vedic measure of distance and approximately equals to 8 miles (according to the 14th century scholar Parameshvara, the originator of drgganita system). And 1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers.

According to the calculation presented in Hanuman Chalisa

Distance between Sun and Earth = 12000 x 1000 yojanas = 96 million miles = 153.6 million kms, which is much closer to the calculation of the modern scientists.

The assumptions we have made in the above calculations are as follows:

  1. We assumed yuga to mean the number 12000 based on the time calculation system of Vedic period based on the statement from Bhagavad-gita and Manu Samhita.
  2. We approximated 1 yojana = 8 miles based on what Srila Prabhupada has mentioned in his purports. However there is still disagreement among scholars as to whether it is 5 miles or 8 miles. Some other calculations indicate values ranging from 7.6 miles to 8.5 miles.

But it is astonishing that Tulasidasa mentioned the distance to this level of accuracy as early as in 16th century when the Western astronomers, with the help of telescope, were trying to figure out the distance.

In Hanuman Chalisa,- it is said :
“Yug sahastra yojan per Bhanu!
Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu!!

1 Yug = 12000 years
1 Sahastra = 1000
1 Yojan = 8 Miles

Yug x Sahastra x Yojan = par Bhanu
12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = 96,000,000 miles

1 mile = 1.6kms

96,000,000 miles x 1.6kms = 1,536,000,000 kms / 96,000,000 miles to Sun

NASA has said that, it is the exact distance between Earth and Sun (Bhanu).
Which proves Hanuman Ji did jump to Sun,
thinking it as a sweet fruit (Madhur phal).

It is really interesting how accurate and meaningful our ancient scriptures are.

Unfortunately barely it is recognized, interpreted accurately or realized by any in today’s time.

 Here are some spiritual benefits of the reciting the Hanuman Chalisa:

It is believed among Hindus that reciting Hanuman Chalisa calls upon Hanuman’s involvement in critical problems and helps wards off evil spirits and negative energy.

  1. Recital of the Hanuman Chalisa helps reduce the effects of Sade Sati and helps those suffering due to Saturn if they read Hanuman Chalisa on Saturday for peace and prosperity.
  2. Hanuman Chalisa can help those troubled with nightmares if they place the Chalisa under their pillow before sleeping.
  3. Reading Hanuman Chalisa is beneficial if one wants to get rid of the karmic effects of the bad deeds done in the past.
  4. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa helps people who have been distracted by a bad company. It helps in the reformation of those fallen prey to objectionable habits.
  5. It eliminates disagreements and promotes unanimity and contentment. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa promotes harmony and eliminates unnecessary arguments by making one aware.
  6. Reciting the opening verses of the Hanuman Chalisa helps one get rid of the bad deeds done in the previous and present birth.
  7. The benefits of chanting or listening to Hanuman Chalisa are infinite and incredible. It is believed that if a devotee recites these 40 verses with pure devotion and focus, he or she gets rewarded and all the wishes come true. Regular recitation of the Chalisa bestows you with the Lord’s blessings and grace you with glorious powers.
  8. It also cures small lifestyle ailments such as headache, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression etc.
  9. It kills laziness and procrastination and makes one more efficient.
  10. Daily recitation of Hanuman Chalisa with dedication and devotion eliminate all sorts of disagreements and arguments in a family and promotes unanimity, contentment, happiness and peace in life.
  11. One the verses from Hanuman Chalisa reads as “Bhoot Pichash Nikat nahi aaven, mahavir jab naam sunave” which can be translated to – no evil spirit can affect a person who takes the name of Lord Hanuman and recites Hanuman Chalisa at the top of their voice. It removes all sort of negativity from the mind and soul of the family members and brings peace and harmony within the family.

When to chant Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman Chalisa can be recited both in the morning and evening. It takes not more than 10 minutes to read this beautiful hymn. It is said that each verse or chaupai has its own significance. If one is unable to read all 40 verses, then one can choose to recite only certain ones to suit their needs.

  • For removal of bad karma- first opening verse
  • Wisdom and strength – second opening verse
  • Attainment of divine knowledge – 1ST verse
  • Removal of bad company and habits – 3rd verse
  • Cultivation of devotion – verses 7 and 8
  • Protection from poisons and snake bites – 11th verse
  • Removes misunderstanding between sons and daughters –

12th verse

  • To gain fame – 13th – 15th verse
  • Recovery of lost status, promotion in jobs- 16th -17th verse
  • Remove obstacles; accomplish difficult tasks – 20th verse
  • Protection from adverse planetary influences – 22nd verse
  • Protection from black magic and evil spirits – 24th verse
  • To achieve good health -25th verse
  • Liberation from crisis – 26th verse
  • Fulfillment of desires – 27th – 28th verses
  • Victory over enemies – 30th verse
  • Occult powers and wealth – 31st verse
  • To follow ethics and have a fulfilling life – 32nd -35th verses,
  • For mental peace – 36th verse
  • For grace of Lord Hanuman – 37th verse

More significantly, when the Chalisa is read at night times, it wards off evil forces from one`s life and removes the sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. It is believed that those who have major tasks to be achieved should recite these verses 1008 times on an auspicious night of Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or on moola star day. One will have all obstacles removed in the way of good life and also get the protection and grace of Hanuman when recited at night. The famous yogi saint of Northern India, Neem Karoli Baba asked his devotees to recite Hanuman Chalisa during difficult times.

………. To be continued

The struggle for survival is nature’s gift. But a struggle for identity indicates some fundamental contradiction. Pakistan is a country which was born out of hate and deceit and gradually evolved as a cannibalizing society for its own citizens. A society that proposes only to destroy itself.

If one were look into Pakistan’s history, some of the earliest to have called for Nation for Indian Muslims were Syed Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Iqbal, Rehmat Ali and Mohammad Ali Jinnah. All of them were votaries of a Strong India when the British decimated the Mughals and banished the Muslim elite from Governance leading to mass impoverishment and disenfranchisement. The era from 1707 to 1920 was that of wilderness and darkness for these unidentified groups within Nation called India. It was Mahatma Gandhi who provided them with much needed oxygen by mainstreaming a religious cause called Khilafat movement absolutely unrelated to Nation of India

By 1940, they had put themselves together and were able to coin a name of a nation called Pakistan which had Urdu, Persian and Pashto connotations. The origin of the nation`s name was in itself an infringement upon originality. No historical assertion and no cultural bonding existed with the name.

In the 1946 election over 90% of the Muslim populace voted for the Muslim League supporting its demand to create an Islamic state in India by the name of Pakistan, but when Jinnah created Pakistan he left a sizeable population in India and refused to accept them as their own citizens.  Yet a few million managed to make the journey to their promised pure land only to be branded as second grade Urdu speaking Mohajirs. The city of Karachi was systematically underinvested in and discriminated against and left to rot as its capital status was snatched in favor of the Hindko-Punjabi majority city of Islamabad only because of its status as a Mohajir majority city. The plight of the Mohajir community is all the more poignant since Pakistan was enabled financially in its first few years because the mercantile Muslim communities like the Memons, the Khojas and the Ismailis, who were willing to give up their income to fund the infant Pakistan state machinery yet were rewarded with persecution, oppression and exile. Today, most Mohajirs belonging to the Ismaili and Bohra sects of Islam have been exiled out of their adopted homeland and similar fate awaits those of the other communities.

The demand for a utopian search of purity has been such that even the minority sect of Ahmadiyyas have been branded as non-Muslims by a constitutional amendment no less and are lynched upon and expelled from towns and cities for such non-existent crimes as calling their places of worship masjids. The Ismailis are all but apostates in the eyes of the surrounding society and have been systematically reduced to being a minority in their demographic strongholds in Gilgit-Baltistan, which is only marginally better than the fate of the Hazaras and other Shia communities who are being arrested and branded as Kafirs simply for carrying out their Muharram processions and reciting their Ashura prayers.  The Baloch, despite being Sunni, are being oppressed, exiled and murdered for their reasonable demands for autonomy, preservation of cultural identity, and equality in access to natural resources. The list is simply too long if we talk about Pakistan’s other communities.

Despite having a cultural and civilization identity of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, their academic curriculum could not discover and educate their posterity about their original identity. They rather tried to make them acquainted with Mughal and Afghan Kings. While Turk, Mughals, Arab and Afghans never accepted Pakistani as of their lineage, the Pakistani continue to beg them for their own identity. Pakistanis changed their name, dress, food habits, as well as their social fabric and rejected their folk lore only to find their acceptance as foot soldiers and cannon fodder in the brutal fratricidal war of the Arabian Desert.  Pakistanis were employed as mere laborers in Middle East on a similar social pedestal like their Bangladeshi Muslim counterparts.

The political narrative of Pakistan since inception was built upon an anti-India rhetoric hovering around Kashmir. In order to gain religious legitimacy in the Islamic world, they have upped their ante on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and have successfully brainwashed themselves into believing that any failure of Pakistan is a product of an international conspiracy of the Yahood (Jews) and the Hanood (Hindus). The Middle East’s refusal to acknowledge let alone support the Kashmir bogeyman has eroded this political chicanery.  The abortive attempt of intellectualizing letter “K” in the word Pakistan with Kashmir has eroded the Mohammed Ali Jinnah’s credentials. Citizen are only slowly realizing now the fake narrative of their political masters. A nation that survives on the donation of the Middle East finds no words to defend its political position before an uneducated illiterate citizen today.

With the arrival of Covid-19, oil-dependent economies find themselves in dire straits. The Middle East has forgotten its servile attendant’s needs. Saudi’s demand for returning over $ 6.2 billion has left Pakistan in an existential crisis. A modern nation’s survival depends on two primary pillars: – Food security and energy security. Today Pakistan has slipped below the threshold on both basic parameters.

How long Pakistan will survive as nation on the world map is in the hand of ethnic minorities of Baluchistan, Sindh, Pakhtunistan and Gilgit-Baltistan. It is in the interest of world peace that the incomplete division of Pakistan with Bangladesh be completed among all its ethnic groups under the leadership of UNO to give the matter a peaceful rest.

Hari Singh Nalwa – A Legendary name and A Great Sikh Warrior of late medieval history is one of the most unsung Sikh warriors today. His contribution into defending the North Western frontier and his successful military expedition into remotest region of modern days Afghanistan is unparalleled till this date.

Hari Singh Nalwa was the Commander In chief of Sikh Khalsa Fauj – the Army of Sikh Empire under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He was born in the village of Gujranwala in the Majha region of Punjab in a Sanatani family of Late Shree Gurdial Singh Jee (father) and Late Srimati Dharm Kaur in the Year 1791.  His mission to defend Hindu-Sikh Samaj and expand the Khalsa Empire went unchallenged until his last day when he finally departed for his heavenly abode on 1837.

Hari Singh Nalwa is one of the most ferociously brave and honoured Sikh Warrior of the mother India. To those who have researched and known the war history, he could be one of the bravest warriors ever the world had seen. During a lifetime of innumerable military expeditions, he remained invincible in his martial capacity despite limited state resource and hostile surroundings.

Unfortunately, the life and achievement of Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa Jee is not taught in the School and college curriculum which could have redefined the Sikh Valour and Self-esteem.

Hari Singh Nalwa will be remembered in the history for having established the Khalsa Raj in the region of Kasur, Sialkot, Attock, Multan, Kashmir, Peshawar and Jamrud.  He not only had successful Military expeditions in Peshawar but also ensured the Khalsa Raj expanded into territory as north as into the Khyber Pass.


The generations of today who have not heard and read of inhospitable terrain and treacherous tribal of North Western region should learn and realize that all the so called invincible tribes like Saddozai of Mankera, Pathan forces of Afghanistan, Durranis of Attock, Barakzai of Kabul and Peshwar, Yusafzai tribes of trans-Indus region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Afridi of Khyber were decimated and subjugated under the Commander ship of Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa Jee.

The great military expedition and untold victory of Commander is only comparable to the might of another general Bappa Rawal of Mewar Dynasty in this region. The untold bravery of these two Indian Kings Bappa Rawal and Sardar Hari Singh Jee never forms the part of Indian Academic Curriculum. We will soon bring another short E –book on another great warrior Bappa Rawal soon.

Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa Jee was anointed as Khalsa Governor for the Kashmir Peshwar and Hazara by Maharaja Ranjit Singh, where he minted Nanakshahi Rupee and Govindshahi Rupee Coins in the year 1837 and collected Revenue, which was later confiscated and stopped from circulation by the British East India Company.

Coin issued by Hari Singh minted in Peshawar dated 1837.


1807 Battle of Kasur 1821 Battle of Mangal 
1808 Battle of Sialkot 1822 Battle of Mankera 
1813 Battle of Attock 1823 Battle of Nowshera (Naushehra)
1814  Battle of  Kashmir  Abortive 1824 Battle of Sirikot
1816 Conquest Mahmudkot  Muzaffargarh 1827 Battle of Saidu
1818 Battle of Multan  1834 Occupation of  Peshawar 
1818 Peshawar becomes tributary  1835 Peshawar – Mohammad Khan flees 
1818 Mitha Tiwana becomes his jagir  1836 Victory on Jamrud (Khyber Pass)
1819 Kashmir becomes part of Khalsa Empire 1836 Panjtaar defeated
1819 Battle of Pakhli  1837 Battle of Jamrud 


These are the list of 20 major battle that Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa Jee commandeered and decimated his rival. His era had successfully instilled sense of relief and peace among Hindu Sikh society of North especially in Afghanistan and Kashmir.


Among the earliest of his battles, the Sardar was only 17 years old and had displayed the bravery of his nerve in the ferociously fought battle of Kasur in 1807. The military expedition in the region of Multan to Peshwar from 1818 to 1834 is an untold ravelling story of bravery and unparalleled ferocity. Despite being outnumbered in a ratio of 1: 10 against the enemy, Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa Jee never lost a battle in his lifetime.

The commander was an able administrator who crushed the turbulent enemy with iron fist. His banned Cow Slaughter and imposed heavy penalty up to death to those who disobeyed Religious belief of Sanatan Samaj. The fear of Sardar Nalwa Jee was such that not a whisper against the State command arose from the local unruly tribes until then known for the turbulence and revolt in the valley of Peshawar and Kashmir

Hari Singh Nalwa died fighting a battle with enemy at Jamrud in Afghanistan. He was cremated in the Jamrud Fort built in the Khyber Pass in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Babu Gajju Mall Kapur, a Hindu resident of Peshawar built a memorial of his bravery and sacrifice in the fort in the year 1892.

He was a visionary who built series of Sikh fort in that Trans Indus region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Nowshera, Kabul, Peshawar and Attock and in Kashmir. He built the fortified town of Haripur in 1822 which was the first city of contemporary era with having water distribution system. He built scores of majestic and utility driven constructions like forts, watch towers, gurdwaras, water tanks, temples, towns, sarais in across his administrative region.

A religious man, Nalwa built Gurdwara Panja Sahib in the town of Hassan Abdal, south-west of Haripur and north-west of Rawalpindi in Pakistan to commemorate Guru Nanak’s journey through that region. He had donated the gold required to cover the dome of the Akal Takht within the Harmandir Sahib complex in Amritsar

In 2014, Billionaires Australia considered Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa Jee as to be one of the greatest conquerors in the History of the world. It is misfortune for the passing generation of Sanatan Samaj that such inspiring stories were concealed from the young generation.

In the 20th century, the song Mere Desh Ki Dharti from the 1967 Bollywood film Upkaar eulogises him. Amar Chitra Katha later on published the biography of Hari Singh Nalwa in 1978.  On April 30, 2013 Government of India also released a commemorative postage stamp honouring Hari Singh.

Yet the greatest medieval warrior on the pious land of Bharat is still not remembered by the general masses who have much to learn from his life and much to emulate from him in terms of his personal conduct and character.



Historians are the conscience keeper for any civilization. These historians have played a great role in shaping the narrative for posterity. But Irony, it has power to idolize a villain and demonize a hero even.

The cartel of world`s left historians even made tyrants like Joseph Stalin, Mao-tse-tung and Polpot the three blood sucking demons who killed more citizens of their nation then Hitler and Mussolini put together, as custodians of public rights with human face. A generation of young gullible minds world over are the victims of these fake historians who conspired to cartelize and radicalize universities, publishing houses, NGO and armchair activists for sinister design.

India could not remain unaffected post-independence from such fake historians, who had an agenda to write not history to write. Umpteen nationalist characters were maligned and fake story tellers were drafted to ornate villains. And even worse than worst could have been the story of Tipu Sultan.

A persecutor of Christian and Hindu, plunderer of Church and Temple and a like primitive fanatics who used circumcision, rape, torture and death as instrument of religious conversion was an agent of France, Afghanistan and Turkey in India. He conspired to create an extension of French empire by inviting and fighting alongside to establish a French colony. His nearest colonial cousin could be a traitor Mir Jafar of Bengal who invited British and deceived India.

Had Tipu been successful in his ambition, he certainly would have brought India under French rule in place of British. The role of two traitors Mir Jafar and Tipu Sultan were all alike. One floored for British and another was footman for France/Afghanistan.

Indian fake historians very decisively and discreetly removed the historical facts and conspiracy of Tipu Sultan against the Land of India and Indian interest. It is documents and correspondence preserved and available in other nations that only can reveal the extent of Tipu`s plan to get India enslaved to foreign powers.

There is no secret how Tipu sent his emissary to the court of French King Louis XVI (1788) begging for his mercenary to move and attack India. He appeased him by offering his loyal service and employing his war hero as his military advisors. His frenetic effort to persuade Napoleon to invade India after Egypt (1798) is well documented in the world historical archives. In between, not finding a timely response from France, Tipu conspired with Zaman Shah Durrani the Afghanistan King and Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid (1787) in Turkey to create an Islamic force against Maratha.

Tipu Sultan remains notorious for its religious and sectarian persecution against Syrian Christian, Coorg and Travancore Hindu in Kerala Specially. But few historians like Irfan Habib, Mohibul Hassan overlooked the Tipu alliance with foreign power and his dishonest treatment of contemporary India.

It is such an unpleasant record for our generation, where the victory of Mir Jafar brought British and the loss of Tipu Sultan dispelled France from India. So similar and so demoniac.

The serene and peaceful south India had a history of Valor and resilience of Great Harihar and Bukka who stood tall for its Vijay Nagar Empire. The great nation Builder Rajendra Chola who spread his authority and control far up to Indonesia.

On this pious land a faceless traitor was recreated with a nationalist outlook in the fake historian books. It is before that masses misappropriate this Mir Jafar of South India, record should be set straight.